A class that represents a wamp message in its simplest form.
Definition: wamp_message.hpp:53
virtual void attach(const std::shared_ptr< wamp_transport_handler > &handler) override
Attaches a handler to the transport.
virtual void send_message(wamp_message &&message) override
Send the message synchronously over the transport.
virtual bool is_connected() const override
Determines if the transport is connected.
Provides an abstraction for a transport to be used by the session.
Definition: wamp_transport.hpp:49
virtual void set_pause_handler(pause_handler &&handler) override
Set the handler to be invoked when the transport detects congestion sending to the remote peer and ne...
virtual bool has_handler() const override
Determines if the transport has a handler attached.
wamp_rawsocket_transport(boost::asio::io_service &io_service, const endpoint_type &remote_endpoint, bool debug_enabled=false)
Constructs a rawsocket transport.
Definition: exceptions.hpp:37
A class that represents a rawsocket transport.
Definition: wamp_rawsocket_transport.hpp:55
virtual void resume() override
Resume receiving of messages.
virtual boost::future< void > connect() override
Attempts to connect the transport.
std::function< void()> resume_handler
Handler to invoke when resuming transport transmission.
Definition: wamp_transport.hpp:60
std::function< void()> pause_handler
Handler to invoke when pausing transport transmission.
Definition: wamp_transport.hpp:55
virtual void detach() override
Detaches the handler currently attached to the transport.
virtual boost::future< void > disconnect() override
Attempts to disconnect the transport.
Socket socket_type
Convenience type for the socket being used.
Definition: wamp_rawsocket_transport.hpp:63
Socket::endpoint_type endpoint_type
Convenience type for the endpoint being used.
Definition: wamp_rawsocket_transport.hpp:68
virtual void set_resume_handler(resume_handler &&handler) override
Set the handler to be invoked when the transport detects congestion has subsided on the remote peer a...